Established in 1984

Frequently Asked Questions

Kredit Sprinkler & Arizona Lighting has been Phoenix's trusted irrigation installation & repair company since 1984.

What type of electricity do I need for outdoor landscape lighting?
We use a transformer that plugs into a typical outlet when installing lights for a customer. This transformer converts household electrical voltage to 12V, which is what's needed for outdoor landscape lighting.
How do I know if I need a drip irrigation system or a sprinkler irrigation system?
If you're currently watering by hand and don't want to anymore, one or both of these would be a good investment. Typically, drip irrigation systems are used for trees, shrubs and other plants. Sprinkler irrigation systems are most commonly used on grass areas.
What does a vacuum breaker do?
It prevents irrigation water (which is non-potable water) from going back into your main water pipes and getting into your drinking water supply. Arizona code requires a vacuum breaker/backflow prevention device with all irrigation systems. Expert installation is key with this item!
What if my sprinkler heads barely pop up? Do I just have low water pressure?
It could be an issue with water pressure, but is more likely an issue with water volume, leaks on the system, or a failing valve. Another possibility is that the system is overtaxed. We can help determine the cause so that you don't waste time or money fixing things that aren't the actual source of the problem.
What do I do if my irrigation system won't turn on when it's supposed to?
It's possible that one or more zones (valves) are the problem, or the terminal board in your clock could have a crack. You may need to test for electrical continuity and there are a variety of other troubleshooting methods. Call a licensed, bonded and insured irrigation contractor to find and fix the source of the problem.
What is a irrigation timer and do I need one?
An irrigation timer or time clock is a device mounted on your wall that electronically controls the drip irrigation and lawn sprinkler irrigation systems. It has multiple parts, some of which can be swapped out when they fail, rather than replacing the whole thing. You need an irrigation timer if you have lawn sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation at your home and want it to run on a schedule.
Are there different types of irrigation timers?
Yes. There are multiple brands of basic timers including Irritrol, Hunter, and Rainbird. There are also a variety of newer irrigation timers that incorporate wifi-enabled capabilities. We recommend these for folks who want to control the settings from a smartphone.
What is an irrigation valve?
Irrigation valves are made of a plastic outer body, rubber diaphragm, bonnet, and electronic solenoid. The solenoid needs constant electricity to keep the valve running from the time clock. Wires connect the irrigation timer to the valve.
What do I do if my irrigation system or irrigation valve is running nonstop?
Switch the time clock to off by manually turning the knob to the "OFF" position. Or, if you have a wifi-enabled time clock, use the app on your phone to turn it off. If it is still running, turn off the water source at your backflow prevention device/vacuum breaker. It will look something like the below. Then, call a licensed, bonded and insured irrigation contractor to find and fix the source of the problem.
How many gallons per minute does my irrigation system use?
Lawn sprinkler systems and flood bubbler systems consume water in gallons per minute, while drip irrigation systems consume water in gallons per hour. The number of gallons depends on the size of the area and output flow capacity.